Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 127: Small World

So today....kinda crappy. It must have been a hang over from yesterday which kinda stunk but by the time I got done with work it was good. Just talking to some of my guy friends just made my day better cuz I don't have to deal with girl crap and drama and stuff and what not. I got to talk to Reg quite a bit today which was nice cuz I haven't talked to him in a long time! So that was pretty much my school day.
Well here is the funny part of the day. So my little cousin Maddie wrote this little poem and it made it into this big book that the district puts together. So today at 4:30, at Heartland Elementary, she had a chance, along with other students, to read their poems to their family and friends. So I am sitting in the room listening to kids read, this guy standing in front of me turns around and guess who it is?!?!? It is my 9th grade English teacher, Mr. Brooks! He was a super awesome teacher and I was freaked out a little to go talk to him cuz he had me 4 years ago......who the crap is going to remember me 4 years later, but I went up to him and he totally remember who I was! He was like Kristen....good to see you!!! I was amazed!!! We talked for a little while and he is still the same, fun, awesome guy that I knew 4 years ago! He was a great English teacher and he was part of the reason I decided to take the honors English classes and such in high school! He was a great teacher and it was good to see him again. The funny thing was that he and my uncle actually lived in the same ward 5 or so years ago and he recognized him too. Not only that but one of my 10th grade seminary teachers was also there. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!
Man it truly is a small world out there. There are so many crazy connections I know of. One funny connection is one of my friends high school orchestra teacher, was my grandpa's mission companion. Connections are crazy......and also extremely useful!!!!! Well I am going to go do something ........TOOTLES!!!

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