Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 170: B.S.

So nothing went on today. I came out to my dad's for Father's Day weekend and just chilled really. I am not feeling very good today though. My throat is sore, my body aches and my head is about ready to explode, but Iwill go take some medicine and hopefully feel all better.

So what did go on today was that we had my grandparents come over for dinner and then after they left, I taught my family the lovely, fun, exciting game of B.S. It was fantatsic!!!! For those of you who dont know what the game of B.S. let me give you a run down. The goal is to get rid of all the cards in your hand. You go around the table, starting at aces and working up. You have to lay down cards when it gets to you whether you have the right cards or not. If you have to lay down sevens and you dont have them, you have to lay down something and someone can call your bluff by yelling B.S. and then you get all the cards on the table.........and yes, B.S. does stand for what you are all thinking, but you dont actually say it hahahaha! It is a highly entertaining game and we had a good time playing. All six of us were laughing pretty darn hard and it was just a good time! Well I am going to go take some meds cuz I feel like crap.........TOOTLES!!!!!!!!


  1. I hope you get feeling better soon - you can't miss camp, the girls NEED you!

  2. Been there, had that. Be prepared to be blowing your nose for 5 days.
