Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 180: Friday's Camp Adventures

Alrighty....here went on at camp on Friday!

We woke up....luckily at a reasonable time that morning and headed down to flag! After flag me, Chelsea, April and Lisa got ready in our AWESOME outfits. You have to understand that we have started a tradition that every year before camp we go to the D.I and find ridiculous outfits. Well this year's outfits were the best! Lisa had these awesome red pants with zebra stripped shorts. April had these amazing high wasted, pink and white stripped pants....with suspenders. Chelsea had her amazing green spandex with these awesome red, short overalls and I had the most ridiculous outfit ever! I must thank Chelsea for my awesome outfit since she was the one who found it. But my out fit was the bright blue and hot pink, 100% polyester full body, 80's jumpsuit! And yes......it had hot pink shoulder pads!!! It was awesome!!! My computer is not letting me post pictures at the moment, but I will try again tomorrow so you can see how awesome these outfits are!

Well after we got ready and put on our awesome outfits, we headed up to the zip line! The zip line was super fun and we had quite a lot of girls and leaders that had never gone on it before, but the zip line is always fun! After that we headed to the other part of the rotation that was with the zip line and that was a great little devotional given by our camp stake directors! They gave us a little devo on some building blocks in the church. It was a really good devo!

After that we headed back to camp and low and behold when we got there Heather, shandy and Jamie were all there!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was soooooo exciting!!!! Heather couldn't come up to camp cuz she had a baby to take care of, Shandy couldn't come up for the whole time because she was just getting back from Europe and Jamie moved out of our ward a little while ago so we havent seen her for a while, but they were all there!!!!!!!!!! I was so GLAD to see them all....I LOVE their stinkin' guts!!!!!

After that we had lunch and reviewed our skit for a little while and just did a few things. Then around 3:30 our Bishopric came up to watch our skit! After they came up, we all headed down as a stake, performed all our skits! Each ward did a great job on their skits, and as usual they were all hysterical. This year, our skit was to the song the purple people eaters and we all had our hair done up crazy and we all dressed up like geeks!!!!! It was awesome and then after that we got a chance to hear from Pres. Smith and Pres. Worthington!

After that we went back up to camp and had dinner and then had an AMAZING testimony meeting!!!!!! The spirit was sooooo strong and I loved getting to hear from all my girls and leaders! hahaha we all cried like babies, but it was totally worth it!!!!!!

After that we went and got ready for bed and then I went and read my bed time story, The Sneetches, to the beehives! After that Chelsea and I decided to stay in the beehives tent for a little while and we ended up playing Truth or Truth.....we were all to comfortable and cold to play truth or dare! It was soooo much fun! I felt like a little kid again and I got sooooo much closer to the girls and learned to much about them! Then before we went to bed we went and sang Happy Birthday to Aubrey at like 1am in the morning!!!!!

Friday was a great day and I hope you stay tuned to hear about Saturday's adventures!!!! Saturday morning was a blast, but as for now I am going to go take a quick power nap before i go see Eclipse and go to rehearsal tonight.......TOOTLES!!!!!!!!!!!

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