Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 181: Saturday's Camp Adventures

Alright so here is the post for the last day of girls camp!!!!!

Saturday morning was HIGHLY entertaining!!! Chelsea, April, Lisa, and I all woke up at 4:15am and went outside and set up our 2010 Girls Camp Initiation! We thought it would be fun to "officially" initiate our girls into camp this year! So what we did was set up this line of glow sticks and at the end we had Lisa waiting with a tub of lipstick so that she could "paint" their faces! We also had April at the end waiting with little army men so that the girls could receive their "little army." It was awesome! Chelsea went and woke up the girls playing Christmas music and by three at a time she walked them over to me so that I could put them onto the "deathly path of glow sticks!" I would then send the girls down the line where they received their war paint and army men. They were then sent to Chelsea where we made them kneel, we dubbed them and they received their "official" girls camp name! It was awesome!!!! My name was Purple Thread! Oh man I love girls camp!

After that we headed down to the stake so that we could go see the lunar eclipse! Sadly, due to the weather, we were not able to see it, although Bishop Urrey did have his telescope set up so instead we got to see Jupiter and its 4 moons!!!! It was sooooo cool!!!!!

After that we went back to camp and started packing up and took a power nap before we had to actually be up. We then got up and cleaned up camp! We then had breakfast and packed up camp and called it good! After that we went to our last flag ceremony and sang some songs and said goodbye and headed home!!!!!!!!

Camp was SOOOOOOOOO awesome this year and I am so thankful I got to go! I am super bummed that it was my last year cuz I love my girls sooooo much! I don't know what I am going to do without them! Thank you girls and leaders for making my last year such a fantastic year!!!! Love you guys! I will try and put pictures up tomorrow. I would have put them on today, but I am on the wrong computer, but I will try my hardest to put them up tomorrow......TOOTLES!!!!!

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