Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 183: Catch Up

So since I have been blogging all about camp this week, I figured I would take today to catch up on all the things that have been going on this week!

Monday: Monday was not overly exciting. I have been sick since I got back from camp and I was not feeling good at all on Monday so I had a chill day! I spent all day watching Friends! I watched the entire 6th season and loved every minute of it! Friends is seriously the greatest show ever and sadly, I can quote most of the episodes. It is the one show I can watch for hours on end and never get sick of!
Tuesday: Tuesday was a great day. Not much went on that morning, but I did get the chance to go to the doctor and learn that I was sicker than I thought. Fun Fun, but at least I got medicine to make me better. Well later that day I got to go to an early showing of Eclipse!!!! My Friend had an extra ticket and she invited me to come with her!!!! It was AWESOME!!!! Kenzie and I were freaking out the whole time. It was a pretty good movie! I was pretty impressed, and let's not mention that seeing a whole bunch of werewolves abs on a big screen never hurt anyone either ;D Then after that I headed to rehearsal with Salt Lake Symphony for the concert we have tonight!
Wednesday: Wednesday was pretty good. Mom, Jeff, my cousin Jordan and I all went to my Great Granny's to work on the backyard for a little while. We have accomplished a lot on the inside, but it was our turn to work on the outside for a little while. That was not super fun, but at least we got some of the backyard taken care of. Luckily after I got home for Granny's I had the chance to go with the young women to do baptisms for the dead in the Salt Lake Temple. It was really cool! It was my 2nd time going to do baptisms there and I loved it! I love doing baptisms and I was so glad that I got the chance to go do them in Salt Lake! It was awesome!!!
On top of the fun days events, that night I also finished my book series. I have been reading the Luxe Series forever, but then I had to wait forever for the 4th, and last, book to come out. Then after it came out I got tied up in school stuff and I never had a chance to read it. However once school got out I started reading it and loved it. The 4th book was just as intense as the other ones and I had like 100 pages left in order to finish, but once I started the other night I couldn't stop and I finally finished it. It ended really well, not the way I was expecting, which made me a little sad, but it still ended well!
Thursday: As for Thursday nothing really went on. I got the chance to go with my friend April and her Boyfriend to go to Day Murray Music to go pick out a piece for her to sing in church here in a little while! We picked Consider the Lilies and I think it's going to turn out really long as we both practice that is hahaha!
Well there is my week! Super exciting.....I know! Tonight I have a concert at Granite High School. Every year they do a big 4th of July celebration and they have a big carnival, food, performances and fireworks at the end. I'm pretty excited to play and see fireworks....I hope it goes well! I'll report on how it goes tomorrow! Well I am out.......TOOTLES!!!!!

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