Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Tradition and Ballet

Ok.....so it feels weird not to blog everyday. I am so use to it. No blogging so far has made me feel like I am forgetting something haha. Strange, I know.....but true! Nothing has gone on much since this new year has started, but so far so good.

Bowling was way fun with everyone last Friday and so was mine and Kathryn's Annual New Years Eve Adventures!!!!! I am so glad we have that tradition. In all reality it is probably pretty lame to most people other than us. We have had other friends come in previous years and they have never returned with us hahahaha! It is still a lot of fun though, especially since we don't see each other that much anymore! Nothing like some good food, riding the trax, freezing weather, maracas, cheesy music, sexy Polynesian dancers (doing the Haka non the less), fireworks, and just chillin!!!!! AWESOME night!!!!

On top of that I have some other good news......I got into my ballet class at school! I know....me and and ballet really don't go in the same sentence, but it sounded fun and I wanted to try something new. I have always thought ballet was so cool and it is beautiful to watch! I always loved taking field trips to the ballet when I was little! The dancers were always beautiful and extremely graceful and on top of that the costumes and music are amazing! I know it's just a beginning class, but I've always wanted to learn it and now I finally get to. And beyond that I may have use for my Halloween Tutu now!!!!!!

Beyond that nothing much is going on. I have Saturday night and then I head back up to school! I am sooooo excited and ready to go back up, but it also bums me out a little at the same time, but I am ready to go!!!! Well I better go....I will keep you updated on the whole ballet situation......TOOTLES!!!!

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