Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is not one of my favorite holidays......actually it is probably my least favorite holiday, however, this year, Valentine's Day proved to be pretty good. On top of my classes going well, playing Human Foosball at FHE, talking to some friends, and Logan, from upstairs, bringing us delicious chocolate chip cookies....we decided to have roommate dinner!!! We don't do this very often because it is hard to have everyone home and it's a lot of work to cook for 6, but Cherice thought it would be fun to do for a fun little Valentine's Day treat, so her and I cooked up a little dinner for everyone!!!!

Cherice made lasagna, which was beyond delicious, I made homemade garlic bread and then we had salad and Kool-aid! It was delicious and it was fun just to sit around and talk with all my roommies for a few!

Here is Cherice's delicious Lasagna!

Here is the yummy garlic bread!

Here is Cherice, Saundra, Maren, and Caitlin getting ready to dive in!!!!

It was a pretty good Valentine's Day and as much as it is a "S.A.D" day, it turned out to be a good day! I realized that Valentine's Day is not about having a significant other, as nice as that may be, but celebrating those you love in your life. So to my family, friends, roommates, neighbors, and anyone else who I know and love...HAPPY VALENTINE'S!!!