Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Can I just say one thing......YAY for school finally starting! Yes it is only day 3 of my sophomore year, but I am exhausted. In all reality, I really don't even know what I am doing up because I am rather tired, but yet here I am, so this will probably be rather short tonight!

School, so far, is great! I don't know if I shared my schedule before, so I will share it again! I am taking econ, accounting and English 2010, plus stats 2300, cello, symphony, and institute! 15 credits baby.....oh yeah! It is actually just the right amount I think, but so far so good.

I think my English class is going to be rockin'! The teacher is probably only 5 years older then I am, but he seems to know his stuff. I have been told that my accounting professor is one of the best on campus, which is excellent because sitting through just two days of class, I am already a little lost.....haha numbers just aren't my strong suit. As for my econ professor....I haven't heard really anything about him, but so far I like him. I think his teaching methods are going to work well with how I learn, and I am slowly learning that econ is actually pretty interesting. I hate the graphing part of it, but the actual econ part of it is pretty cool, but again we will see where that goes. As for stats.....oh boy. After trying to test into it forever, I finally got in! The class itself is a class of 300 but we have recitations on Wednesdays and Fridays so that should really help! As for my other 3 classes, I haven't started them yet, but they are institute and two music classes so they will be good!

On top of that SAA has been in full throttle as well! September is the big month to recruit and put our name out on campus so we have at least once activity a week and two for some weeks even! Beyond our activities though I am managing the blog and working on other things here and there so it is crazy, but totally worth it! It is seriously one of the best clubs on campus EVER! I am so glad I joined last year! Between the people I have met and the experiences I have had and know I will have.....its just awesome!!!!

My string teaching job is also starting to pick up! Classes start in a two and a half weeks so we have been having meeting and I need to start planning classes too. Just thinking about it makes me really nervous, but I am also very excited! It will be a really good experience and plus it will let me add two more instruments to my list! Woot woot....haha the only problem is learning viola. Little harder then violin notes wise due to the clef, but I am willing and ready to learn!

But that about does it for me tonight! Again it is only day 3 and I feel like I've been in school for 3 weeks. I have been non stop go, for the most part, since Monday, but it is great! Well I am off to bed......TOOTLES!!!!!!

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