Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where Did the Time Go?!

Oh my holy chicken......Where did the time go?!?! School starts tomorrow and I am so flipping excited! I honestly cannot believe that I will be a college sophomore! It feels like yesterday that I was just starting college! I am way excited for this year! Classes, clubs,'s all going to be awesome!

This year I am taking accounting, econ, and english 2010, plus cello, symphonic orchestra and hopefully business stats. It sounds like a really boring semester, but I have heard good things about the teachers and the courses, so it should be good! On top of classes themselves, I am also teaching elementary orchestra at two different elementary schools, working at Christopher and Banks, and being historian extraordinaire for the Student Alumni Association! It is going to be a tiring, long, and difficult semester, but I am so beyond exciting! Between the experiences, memories, and good times that I will have, every minute of this semester will be totally worth it!

I also was able to move into my new apartment this past weekend as well, so this whole week is just a whole new start for everything! Luckily I am living with two of my old roommates, so I am way excited about that!

Honestly, this semester is just going to be fabulous! It is exciting to grow up and learn and experience all of these things. Yes....there are parts of growing up that stink major big time, but the other parts are fun, and luckily this semester, I hope, will be a fun one!

Well I better go, but I will shortly report on how classes are going and what not, but as for now.....TOOTLES!!!!

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