Monday, September 12, 2011

Mac and Cheese

So tonight is going to be pretty random, but I needed something to do while waiting for true aggie night because I cant do homework any longer (I am not going to be a true aggie, I am just going to help run it for SAA, so dont panic parents haha).

So tonight's entry will be on my dinner.....mac and cheese! Now you are probably thinking, "oh yeah, some kraft mac and cheese sounds really exciting, way to go Kristen," but that is where you would be wrong! I can NOT eat box mac and cheese. I think it the most disgusting thing on this planet earth (I apologize to all of you out there who love it). No.....I do not make box mac and cheese, I make HOMEMADE mac and cheese!

As far as I know, the recipe is from my grandma and that was what I grew up on and it is delicious! It is probably really a heart attack in a bowl because of all the milk, cheese, and butter that you put in, but it is amazing! You cant make it very often because it is so rich, but it's worth every second and it is really easy to make as well!

I always knew it was good, but I have learned that people LOVE this stuff. Out of what I make for dinners, the mac and cheese is one of the dishes my roommates super super love!

So yeah, there is my random post for this evening! If anyone ever wants the recipe, just let me know. It is super cheap and super easy and pretty fast! Well I am going to go chill for an hour before heading up to be the great historian and picture taker for true aggie night.......TOOTLES!!!

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