Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 273: Tests

Before tests = a stressed out, not happy me
After tests = a tired, but relieved and happy me!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 272: Excellent Day

Today has been spectacular here is why:

-I listened to the Michael Buble station on Pandora all morning long
-I got two extra points on my science test
-We had like a ten minute lecture in science
-Institute is always good
-I got loads of homework done

Only down side to today is that I have two tests tomorrow....bummer....I got to go to bed.....TOOTLES!!!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 271: Sweet Glory

So I was up until 12 working on terms for my archaeology class.....3+ hours on terms....why am I taking this class?!?!?! Well I though I better blog quick while I had a minute. Today has been long and I still have mucho homework. Although on the plus side....Glee is on tonight and I have an institute choir practice. This choir is awesome! For Elder Ballard's CES fireside on Nov. 7th, he asked the Logan institute to come down to BYU with a 1000 voice choir to be the choir for the fireside. I am super excited! and besides just singing we are also singing the aggie fight song on cougar territory.....OH SWEET GLORY!!!!! That is a beyond awesome thing because we are huge rivals with BYU up here. It is like West Jordan vs. Bingham rivalry times ten! It is awesome....that is part of the reason I am soooo excited for the BYU game on friday!!!!

Well I better go do more homework.......TOOTLES!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 270: More Hours

There really are not enough hours in the day. Why cant there be more.....I don't think that is really asking too much! I have taken one big test and two little tests and done homework, yet I have much more to do.

As for right now I am taking a breather and blogging and sitting her with Saundra while she watches the Packers game. A little known fact about my roommates Saundra....she has a strong obsession with the Green Packers. At this moment she is wearing a Green Bay Hat, shirt, Bracelet and socks. She also has pants, pj's, blankets, a backpack and jackets all that bare the Green Bay logo. It is honestly the funniest thing I have ever seen.

I really would love to go to bed right now, but I have more homework and my poor little sweet roommate Cherice is sick and sleeping, so I don't want to wake her up. She had to get the flu shot for cross country and we are all pretty sure that the shot gave her some of the symptoms. Well ok I better go for real now and do some archaeology.........TOOTLES!!!!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 269: Typical Sunday

Today was just another typical sunday. I slept in a little and got ready then me, the girls and a couple of the boys next door walked down to church. Then today at church I was called and set apart as relief society visiting teaching coordinator.....yeah try saying that ten times fast haha! Then I just went to a meeting today and to ward prayer and kind of hung out with my roommates and Austin and Terrin from next door. Not an overly eventful day!

Well I am going to go to bed because I have a rather large science test in the morning, so I need my sleep.........TOOTLES!!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 268: Girl's Day

So today has been and will continue to be an awesome girl's day!!!! Half of our roommates are gone so Saundra, Caitlin and I went to the store together this morning and then we went to the Bridal Faire that was at the TSC. It was soooooo much fun! We watched a wedding fashion show and looked at dress and all these wedding ideas! We also got a ton of free wedding food!!!! It was so much fun! It made me just want to plan my wedding and only problem is I am missing a groom, but I will find him some day! It was great though!

As for right now, we are chilling in our living room with Austin, Terrian and Skyler and then in a few we are going to get ready for the Relief Society Conference cuz we are heading down to Salt Lake City for it and then we are meeting up with our families after to go out to dinner! I am so excited! It has been a great day and it is just going to get better..........TOOTLES!!!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 267: Sticky Note Wall

Today has been great!!!!!! I went to school today and luckily that went by super fast. Then I ended up going home and just played for the rest of the day! Saundra and I hung out with the neighbors then we ended up just chilling.

Here is the fun part of today..........STICKY NOTE WALL!!!!!!!! We came up with this brilliant idea to cover one of our entire walls in our living room with sticky notes! So we went to Walmart and got cheap sticky notes. Then I got home and we had to wait for Cherice to get home from practice and so Saundra and I ended up hanging up with Austin from next door. Austin and I ended up busting out our cellos and played for a little while and found out we were in Utah Youth together our junior year......who would have thunk it?!?!?!?! Then we ended up playing frisbee and just chilling for a little while and then the fun began!!!

We started on our sticky note wall and it is coming slowly but surely but it is looking great. We are deciding to do an Indian theme in our living room. We got the perfect colors, this awesome elephant hanging thing and a lamp thing!!!! I am so excited! So pretty much Caitlin, Cherice, Me, Saundra, Nathan, Terran and Austin have just been chilling here working on the wall, eating brownies and watching movies......IT'S BEEN A GREAT DAY..........TOOTLES!!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 266: Plus Sides

So today I had my first college test was awful. I already got my score back and I did not do well at all. Although I do have a lot of plus sides to today!

Plus sides:
-My score for my test was in the class average so that means we all kind of sucked
-I now know what to do and what not to do to study and prepare for a test
-I walked with a cute boy from our awful test to the library......always a bonus!!!
-I had to sit through a 2 hour study session which isnt a plus side, but I now understand science a little better now
-Dinner tasted good
-The weather today was perfect
-I get to go do an astronomy observation tonight, so I get to look through the really big telescope and spend a little time chilling with one of my friends and look at the awesome stars
-I got to talk to one of my girlies on facebook....which was great cuz I miss my little small fry!
-My abs hurt, but it is a good hurting, from doing P90X with a couple of my roommates and guys from next door last night.......That was lots of fun hahaha
-Today is Thursday which means tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!

So even though I had a crappy test has been pretty great! Well I got to get ready to go look at stars........TOOTLES!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 265: Today

Today has been long......good, but long.
I have had class
I've studied
I talked to Austin and Saundra for quite a while
I got mail from my mama
I made dinner that took twice as long as it should have
I have panicked over my astronomy test tomorrow
Yup that sounds a typical Wednesday.......TOOTLES!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 264: GLEE!!!!

So today was pretty slow, classes were long and every class was freezing, and I had homework, but guess what made it all better............

It was the season premiere of glee tonight and it was awesome! I cant wait for the rest of the season! Great show, amazing music, and a spectacular cast.......FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait to see what else this season has in store.........TOOTLES!!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 263: To Have Peace and Happiness

So last Sunday, Elder Richard G. Scott spoke at the CES fireside. Well I wasnt able to go, so I looked it up online and listened to his talk and can I just say what an amazing talk it was!

Richard G. Scott is such an amazing man and apostle! I always love listening to him speak because he speaks with such an assurance, patience, love and understanding. He is always one of my favorites to listen to at conference and I was so glad that he got to speak at a CES fireside!

His talk was entitled "To Have Peace and Happiness" and it focused entirely around marriage and dating and how we can have pure, never ending happiness while we are dating and once we are married! As of right now I am not dealing with either, but to hear his advice and stories about him and his amazing wife was truly inspiring! He is such an amazing man and I hope that someday my husband and I can be half as happy as he and his wife were!

I would recommend everyone listen to this talk whether you are married, dating or neither of the above, it is a talk that can remind you of how loved you are and all the simple and true treasures that God has given you. It is a little long, but it is worth every minute to sit down, take time and listen to it! Here is the address to watch it if you want,7341,395,00.html and if that doesn't work just google CES fireside schedule 2010 and then click on the 2nd link down which should say CES Fireside for Young Adults.

It really is an amazing talk and it just made me that much more excited for conference to come in a couple weeks. I always look forward to conference and I cannot wait to see what messages the prophets have to teach us here in a couple weeks!!!!!

I hope you get a chance to watch this talk and enjoy..........TOOTLES!!!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 262: Football

So last night, Maren, Saundra and I all went to the football game! We played Fresno State and were kicking some serious butt.....but then 4th quarter hit and we lost it. The game was so intense because we were constantly tied throughout the whole game and then the refs started not calling some serious calls and we just kind of lost it. The final score was 24 to 41.........bummer Aggies....bummer. Although on the plus side, the three of us had a great time and cheered really loud and it was just a load of fun!

I cant wait until our next home game!!!!!! Our next home game is on October 1st and we play BYU and man I hope we kick butt. I don't know if we will win, but I think we can a least have a good game! I believe in my Aggies!!!!!!!!

Well not much else to report on. I just had church today and that was about it. Well I am going to go.......TOOTLES!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 261: The Scarlet Pimpernel

Last night Lauren and I went to a production of The Scarlet Pimpernel!!!! It was awesome!!!! Lauren had to go to it for one of her classes and it is my most favorite book ever so we went last night!!!

We went down to the Eccles Theater down on main street which you could consider the Capitol Theater of Logan and it was awesome. The show was pretty good. It was opening night and it took the actors a few to get into show mode, but once they did it was great. It was a funny show and the three leads, Percy, Marguerite, and Chauvelin, were absolutely amazing! Their voices were flawless!!!! I have not heard singers like that in a long time. On top of that the pit did an amazing job also and the costumes were drop dead amazing and gorgeous!!!!! I was so glad I Lauren and I were able to go!

It is such a great book!!!! I saw the play for the first time when I was 12 and read the book and I have loved it ever since. It is a book all about war, love, secrecy, action and just about everything you would want in a book! I would recommend it to everyone to read at least once! It is just so amazing!

Well I am going to go. We have another football game tonight. It is USU vs Fresno State....I hope we can hold our own. I know nothing about Fresno State, but I just hope our Aggies can kick some football booty...........TOOTLES!!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 260: Sleep....Who Was I Kidding?

So all through high school I heard that once you get to college you never sleep. Well of course I was like.....what are you talking about? I am so going to bed on time so I can be the best college student ever.......WHO WAS I KIDDING?!?! It really is true. College = little to no sleep. The worst part is I wasn't even my homework is done or close to being done around bed time, but then my roommates get home or they have friends over and we talk and party. Both Tuesday and Wednesday night, we just talked. Then last night Nathan and Matt came over to watch a movie and and Caitlin was making lemon bars, so I sat down and watched the movie. Then Cherice came home and then after we talked and then for some strange reason started watching youtube videos. I will tell ya that at 2am in the videos are hysterical!

We had a really fun time, but now I am kinda feeling the repercussions of the whole thing, but you know what......that is ok!!!!!! I have time to take a nap a little later. But as for now I am going to go finish up some laundry, write a missionary and then do a little homework......TOOTLES!!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 259: Top Ten Tunes

So lately after a long day at school, I usually just want to come home and take a 5 minute break and turn on some tunes and so I thought I should post my most liked tunes right now just in case anyone needs some new awesome songs to listen to!

Top Ten Tunes:
10. Love Save the Empty - Erin McCarley
9. Anything from Glee
8. Something 'Bout Love - David Archuleta
7. Waka Waka by Shakira
6. Dynamite by Tiao Cruz
5. Club Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida feat. David Guetta
4. King of Anything by Sara Bareilles
3. If I had you by Adam Lambert
2. I like it by Enrique Iglesias
1. Misery by Maroon 5 (or really anything from Maroon 5)

Haha it is kind of a mixed list, but I like pretty much any kind of music that you can stick in front of me! I am also way excited because in 5 days Maroon 5 releases their new CD and it looks like it is going to be amazing!!!!!!!!!! It looks like a lot of their stuff is going to sound like Misery and I am slightly obsessed with that song, so I think I might have to splurge and go buy a copy!!! I seriously have been in this Maroon 5 universe lately and I just play them over and over and over and over on youtube......IT'S GREAT!!!!!! I am sooooo excited!!!!! Also the new season of Glee premiers that same day, which makes the 21st one of the best days ever! Maroon 5 and new could you go wrong?!?!?!

Well if anyone needs anything new to listen to or just wants to listen to some good tunes, I would totally recommend the songs up above.........TOOTLES!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 258: Fire Alarm Curse

So it is official...i think our building has the fire alarm curse. Yet again the fire alarm went off last night. We have not gone a single week since school started without the fire alarm going off. I think it is slightly comical, however if this trend continues and happens in the wee hours of the morning and when it starts to snow......I am not going to be finding it so comical. Other than that nothing to report. I have a quiz in US institutions tomorrow that could possible cover everything that has come out of Dr. Peterson's mouth.....I am slightly terrified. I have done some serious studying and now I am going to make dinner then continue to study until I have to meet with my Bishop, then I will come home and study some college studying is rough!

Well better go cook dinner......I can hear the reuben loaf calling my name as I type.......TOOTLES!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 257: Not Much

So today has been super long and sadly I still have lots to go, but I know I will prevail!!!!!! I really am not a huge fan of my tuesdays and thursdays, so I am super glad tomorrow is a wednesday! Although I am super excited for thursday night, because for my astronomy class, we have to go up to the big observatory thing and do a few assignments, so Mindy and I are going up there on thursday. I think it is going to be way cool to look through the telescope and everything. I also have this other genius plan regarding that all, but it is only working out in my head, so we will see if my plan actually pans out haha!

Well nothing else to report on and I have reading to do, so I am going to head.........TOOTLES!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 256: Bummer

So I'll be honest.....I am ready for the weekend already! I am just not a huge fan of Mondays and this week is so crazy that I really just kinda want it to be over already. I think college has now officially begun. The professors haven't given us much until now, but now the reading are getting hefty and we actually have homework assignments now......BUMMER!

Well not much else to report on. I had a lesson today and I have a SI session tonight, which is just like a class tutoring moment, and then FHE after that! Haha I feel like I never stop going, which isn't always a bad thing!

Well I better go so I can be on time for my SI tonight.........TOOTLES!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So last night was my first official aggie game......AND IT ROCKED!!!!!!! I have pics but I still cant put them up yet because I dont have a memory card reader, but as soon as I get one, they are all going up! On top of it being my first game, one of my bestest friends came up and visited to and then a few of us went to the game! We played Idaho State and creamed them. We won 38 to 17.....IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!

After I met up with Kaelyn, Caitlin, Cherice, Nathan, Matt, Gentry, Lindsey and Bevin and went to the football game after party! It was awesome! Kaelyn, Gentry, Cherice, Matt and I all ended up kind of hanging out and we all just party and danced hard! We had a great time and I really dont understand how people go clubbing all the time, but I love it! Later Matt, Gentry, Kaelyn and I all ended up walking back up through the cemetery to our house and getting stuff to eat. Then we just kinda chilled and hung out for a while then Cherice met back up with us. We really didnt do much, but just chill and talked which was way fun.

Then for some reason we ended up going next door to the boys apartment and watched some youtube videos and talking to them as well. We didnt go to bed until like 2, but it was sooooo much fun! I really cant tell you how much I love college! It is soooooo much fun!

Even today was lots of fun. Church went on forever but then I ended up going to Mike's for dinner and then I came back and talked with the boys next door and went to ward prayer! It has been a great day and I cant wait for this next weekend either! It is great!!!! Well I better go.....TOOTLES!!!!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 254: Canyon Fun

So last night was loads of fun! We had nothing to do last, so Caitlin in all of her genius, thought maybe we should go up in the canyon and make hobo dinners! I was so thankful for the idea because I had NOTHING to do last night!

So around 8ish we all met up and split up in cars and headed up. Nathan, Matt, Cherise and I were and one car and Kaelyn, Caitlin, Lindsey and Bevin were in the other car. It was loads of fun! My car was in charge of finding the camp site, so we went up a little ahead of the other group while they went to the grocery store. We finally found a site and and started to make a fire....which took a lot longer than we thought, but Nathan and Matt finally got it going! Bevin, Lindsey, Caitlin and I all got dinner ready and then we all fixed our dinners and just sat around the fire and waited until we had enough coals to put our dinners in. It was soooooo cold, but it was still way fun! For dinner, we had hobo dinners, which consisted of potatoes, carrots, meat, cream of chicken and a little BBQ sauce all wrapped in tin foil. It was sooooo good and it was totally worth waiting until 11pm to eat dinner.

While we waited around for the coals to heat up, we just talked and laughed and me and a couple of the other girls even broke out some awesome girls camp songs! Finally our dinner was ready and we ate, then packed up our stuff and headed back home.

We then ended up just changing out of our gross camp smelling clothes and then we all squished ourselves into Nathan's car and headed over to his house to watch a movie! We ended up watch Sahara and even though we were all in a nice warm house with lots of blankets, none of us could get warm. It was all highly entertaining! Then we after we all headed home and went to bed!

It was so fun last night and I am so glad that Caitlin came up with this awesome plan because it was way fun!

Not much else to report on, but I will say this....TONIGHT IS THE FIRST AGGIE HOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am BEYOND excited!!!!!!! We play Idaho State and I have no idea how the game is going to go. We only lost by a touchdown last week against Oklahoma Univ. which is saying something because they are ranked like 7th or something like that! We might just be able to hold our own tonight. I think between how much our team has improved and our awesome school spirit, we might just win tonight......FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!

Well I think I am going to go. I will have a football updates tomorrow.......TOOTLES!!!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 253: quick

going up in canyon....had to be quick

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 252: Cookies

So today went on forever, however I got some homework done again so I am feeling pretty good. Also today, Morgan Hall tie dyed!!!!! We are having a dodge ball war against Rich hall next week so we both tie dyed our tea, colors today! I am super excited....I think it's going to be way fun.

After we decided we wanted to make cookies so Cherise, Saundra and I started that and then Kaelyn and Maren joined us and we just got the chance to chill and hangout and have fun for a little while. Well it turned out we had a lot of cookies so we decided, since we hadnt met them yet, to go meet the boys next door! They are all way super nice and we have seriously spent like the last two plus hours just chatting with them and having a good time! I love college life it is so much fun. Although on the down side I have class in 9 hours so I really need to go to bed.......TOOTLES!!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 251: Successful

Not much to report on today.
-went to class
-did some homework
-Had some good BBQ at the alumni house
-caught up on a tv episode
-watched glee and got super excited for the new season
-crossed some things off my to do list

Over was rather successful.......TOOTLES!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 250: Alumni

Today was pretty long but it was still a good day. I went to all my classes, which were long today, but I finally got home and was able to catch up on a few things and chill for a little while. Then after I had dinner I headed over to the Alumni house for my meeting.

Since I received a scholarship from the alumni, I had to join the club, however I think it is going to be totally fun to be in the SAA (student alumni association). The people were just great and fun and just really chill about the whole thing. Everyone was really nice and I felt so comfortable. It was the closest thing I have felt to being back with my orchestra family and I loved it! We have a BBQ tomorrow and I cant wait.

Then later we just had some people over and chilled and talked for a while......well i am off......TOOTLES!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 249: Labor Day Weekend

Oh what a fabulous Labor Day weekend. I stayed most the weekend with my roommates and went to church....which might I add was the longest church ever! An hour and a half of testimony meeting is a little excessive....although on the plus side, we all had a good laugh during the closing hymn.

Anyway after church yesterday, Caitlin and I drove back down to go home for last night and tonight. Caitlin's dad came and picked her up cuz I stayed in Kaysville to have dinner with my dad and the fam....which was fabulous by the way! Then later Jeff, Dad, Matt and I all caught up on some MI-5 episodes.....what can I say, Dad hooked me on them, then later me and Jeff drove back down to West Jordan. Sadly when I got home mom was already asleep, but she woke up so I ended up talking to her for a little while and then I hit the hay.

Then this morning I had loads of fun. Me and Kathryn went out to breakfast and found out we really are more alike then either of us realized. Then we went and kidnapped Alex and went down town and wandered temple square for a little while! It was so nice to get to hang out with a couple of my best friends and I cant wait til I go home next to see them and my other best friends!!!

Then after that I went up to Bountiful where we had our annual Labor Day family Picnic thing-a-ma-bob. So I got to see and spend time with all my family which was way nice. Then after lunch, as is tradition, we went swimming over at the rec center. Then I went back to dad's, had a bit to eat and came back up to Logan. It was a short weekend, but totally worth it!

I didn't realize how much I missed my family and friends, but seeing them all made me realize how much I do miss them, but that also meant that I realized how close to them I am and how blessed I am to have them in my life! It was the perfect Labor Day weekend and sadly it is over and I have to go to class again tomorrow.....bummer. Well I guess life must go on.........TOOTLES!!!!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 248: Quick

Figured I'd type quick. I'm going to church then heading home for tomorrow! Woot.....TOOTLES!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 247: Lazy Day

So today has been nothing else then a lazy day. I slept in and took my time getting ready this morning. We all watched some tv then Maren, Saundra and I went and ran a few errands and then we just came back and chilled for a while. I really didn't have any homework, other than reading, so I really didn't have much to do today! I am really basking in this idea of free time because I have a feeling that this will be my last saturday free from homework for a while!

Well I am off to bed cuz I am exhausted......TOOTLES!!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 246: TGIF

Not much going on today, but all I can say is.........TGIF!!!! It has been such a long week and I am glad it is finally the weekend....and a 3 day weekend at that! Anyway, so last night was loads of fun though. Me, Caitlin, her boyfriend Nathan, and his roommate Mat all watched the Utes opening football game and what a way to open the season. Utes winning 27 to 24 in overtime......What a game! Not to mention getting to watch it with a cute boy! Then later, Cherise showed up with her cousin and his roommate, who by the way were also very cute and a bunch of us just kind of hung out for a little while......super fun! I also discovered that knowing football is totally useful! I can actually talk to the boys when the game is going on and everything they say makes since and it is wonderful! It is like I speak a little bit of boy is sooooooo cool...and the boys will talk to me cuz they know, I know what I am talking about........IT'S SOOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!

As for today.....I feel rather accomplished! I went to class and institute and then I went to the library for a little bit and then came home and did some more homework. I then went to Walmart and got my shopping list taken care of.....I got a ton of stuff on my to - do list done today....WOOT WOOT!!!!!

Other than that has been pretty chill. Later tonight me and my roommates are going to the dance out on the quad tonight. It is our activity tonight for week of welcome and what is even better is that it is an 80's dance. I will take pics and hopefully get a memory card reader so all our loveliness can be seen! Well I better go.........TOOTLES!!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 245: Long Day

So I thought I'd write really quick while I gave myself 5 minutes for my brain to rest. I have never really realized that class could be draining, but my goodness....I am so drained. I have 3 back to back, later classes and they just about kill me. I really didn't think having class at 10:30 would be so difficult, but add on having class until 3pm and then makes for a long day. Note to semester try and sign up for early classes. Sadly, today I don't have a ton of homework, but just a lot of little things I need to get done today......bummer.

Not much else to report on so I think I am going to go start on my list of never ending things that need to be accomplished........TOOTLES!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 244: I Don't Understand

So have you ever had those days where you just don't understand why stuff is happening.....welcome to my day. It has super sucked. It started out good. Science and institute were good and then Lauren and I walked around the quad for Day on the Quad. It is just a day where just about every club and a ton of business put out booths so you can join them and stuff. The two that interested me where the recycle and redesign fashion show thing and this college for cancer club. They were both really cool and plus we got a ton of free food haha.

The funnies part of today though was when Lauren was putting on chap least what we thought was chap stick. She opened it up and it was black but we all thought maybe it would still go on clear......yeah it didn't! She had this black lip....come to find out it was eye blackener...ya know, the stuff you put under your eyes for football games. Who would have thought that reading the container my come in handy....Funniest moment ever.

Well everything was going good and then lessons or find them and figure it out was just awful. I just don't understand what is going on. If I love to do something and the Lord has blessed me with the talents, why is it not working out so that it can be possible to use them. I am not one to doubt the Lord, but sometimes it is really hard to see where he is going with his ways and I just don't understand and it is frustrating and stressful and heartbreaking. I know I need to have the faith that it will work out in the end and there is a reason that this is all happening, but sometimes it is just really hard to do that and keep a smile on.

Well I am going to go to bed and hope that tomorrow is a much better day then the last two days have been...........TOOTLES!