Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 212: Happy Day

Today has been one happy, joyful today! I first started out my dad by getting ready and heading to a wedding because I had to play for it. The bride was a good friend of mine that I had in young women's with me for a couple years! Alysia is such an awesome person and I am sooooooo blessed to know her and I am I so glad that she has gotten everything that she has always wanted! She looked soooooo pretty too. I really cant wait for my wedding and to be a bride and to be all happy and everything! It was a great ceremony and it was just really awesome

After that me and mom came home and went shopping for a little while and I got a few things for college and figured out what I have for my kitchen! It was great!

Then later I had the chance to go to my friend's April baptism! She decided to get baptized a few weeks ago and today was her day! The baptism was great and the talks were great! The spirit was so strong and I was so thankful that she asked my to come and be there to support her!!!!! I haven't known April for very long, but we have grown close, especially after camp! She is such an awesome girl!

So over all I must say that today has been a happy day! Well I am going to go hang out with Kat for a little while so I am going to head.......TOOTLES!!!!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 211: So Long and Farewell

So I am super bummed today because today was my last day of work :( I am not only bummed because work is done, but because that means I am officially done with stuff at the high school. I mean yes, I will be back to visit and for crying out loud mom works there, but that was my last official thing in that high school. I didn't think I would be so sad that my last day of work came, but I really am bummed. I work with such awesome and amazing people who just make the day fun! Between the people I work with, the things we did, the conversations that were had and just the memories that we made, I am really going to miss work.

Although I must say that today we went out with style. We had to clean the bleachers today, which meant scrapping off gum and gross stuff, but after scrapping off all the desks in the building, the gym was nothing. So we cranked up the radio and all just got to work. We had some good laughs and good times today and listened to some good music and it was just fantastic!

After that we went on our lunch break where we had the Pie pizza. The construction contractor told us that we could order any pizza from anywhere and as much as we wanted because we have helped out with cleaning the construction mess and because we have been so good to the guys. We were actually planning on ordering pizza anyway, however this way we got it for free!!!! Cody ate the most pizza (6 slices and 3 bread sticks) and was followed by Cam with the second highest number eaten (4 slices and 3 bread sticks). We then ended up sitting around and moaning because we had all eaten too much.

Then after that we got even better news. One of the ladies I work with found out she was pregnant, possibly with twins, at least that is what we all think! How awesome is that?!?!? After that we went and cleaned the south lockers which wasn't to bad because they were surprisingly really clean. And to finish off our summer, we played one final game of hide and seek in the pitch dark auditorium!!!!!

It was a great day and I couldn't have asked for a better last day at work. I am super bummed that it is over and I am going to miss the people I work with too. I guess there is only one last things to say........So Long and Farewell West Jordan High School!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 210: Loved and Freaked Out

So I am super tired today, but I must say I feel totally loved! After almost falling asleep twice last night, I ended up going out back to talk to some of my young women over the fence hahahaha and then I had a few friends who just showed up out of nowhere to say hi!!!!! I am feeling totally loved!!!! I love seeing my friends, even if it means I go to bed two hours later than I had hoped ;D

Other than that, today has been pretty uneventful. I went to my second to last day of work and had a good time and I have a couple of towel welts to prove it hahahaha! On top of that today, we ended up playing hide and seek in the library and after the boys came screaming out of the copy room and after we heard freaky noises, we learned that the library is apparently haunted! We got totally freaked out. Hope and I thought the boys were joking about hearing things, but then they stuck us in the room and we heard things and it totally freaked us out! I don't know what it really was, but I do know that in the dark, your mind can play some big tricks on you. Hahahaha I love when you get freaked out by a good ghost story whether they are real or not. And on top of that, because we were all jumpy, Cody used that opportunity to his advantage and scared quite a few people.......hysterical I tell you!

Well I better go. I have rehearsal tonight and a few other things I have to get done today.......TOOTLES!!!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 209: Water Fun and My Girls

So today has been pretty awesome! I went to work today and then came home and had quartet rehearsal and then went and got stuff for young womens tonight. Tonight for young womens we had water games!!! I had a great time. I was afraid the girls weren't going to have a good time, but it seemed like everyone had a really good time! We played the towel water balloon toss game and then a new game that I found online last night. It was called blind squirt tag. The "it" person is blind folded and has a squirt gun, and then, blind folded, they have to try and get everyone out with in the given area! It actually turned out really well and I think everyone liked it. We then finished off with a water fight and popsicles! It was great and I had a really good time and I think the girls and leaders did too, which was the most important part!

Can I just say that is one of the biggest things I am going to miss when I leave.....all my girls! Even though some of us are 6 years apart, we still have the greatest time together and we still love each other like sisters! They are just so amazing and I am sooooo blessed to know them and I am going to miss them all sooooooo sooooooo much!!!!!!

Well I better go, but thanks girls for a fun night.........TOOTLES!!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 208: Happy Tuesday

Nothing to report on today so I will just leave you with this..........Happy Tuesday.........TOOTLES!!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 207: Football Boy

Oh today.......Well not much to say about today. I went to work, where luckily I got to work with Reg today. I came home and worked on my quilt and that is about it. On the super plus side of's raining!!!!!! I love the rain soooooo much! Curse you Utah summer for not bringing me any rain! But I sure do love it....maybe my dad was right.....maybe I should move to Seattle ;D

On another note for today......Jeff started football. This is good and bad. Good because he loves doing it and it fun to watch and so many other things. Bad because I will barely get to see him, we have to live with football, workout boy smell and I wont actually get to see him play this season at all. I am hoping I came come watch a fingers are crossed!!!! But I honestly don't know how he does it. Starting now until school starts. He has two a day practices and they aren't easy. I don't know why he loves it, but he does!

This is where Jeff started out football! Let's call this the before shot cuz this was when he had first started playing!
Here is another little league picture. We played Copper Hills for this game and Jeff had some awesome hits!!!
This is Jeff playing some high school ball. He is #73! He is an awesome defensive player!
This is Jeff now!!!!! I LOVE this picture. We will call this the after shot. this was taken last year when he played Bingham, so that makes this picture even that much better. He was sooooo happy after that game. He came off the field with Bingham blue paint scratched all over his was awesome!!!!

I really do love that Jeff is a football player. I know the Jags don't have the best team, but it is still fun to go and watch him play. He always plays a good game. Last year he had an excellent season! He intercepted the ball during the Provo game last year, which lead, on the next play, to a touchdown! It was the coolest things I have ever seen!!!!!! Anyway I just wanted to give an update on that and I hope that the Jeff, and the Jags, have a great season this year. I am super bummed I cant go, but hey........Now I have Aggie ball WOOT WOOT.........TOOTLES!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 206: Meet Me In St. Louis

So today has been pretty boring, which is kinda nice! I just went to church and came home and watched a couple movies. I watched The Other Boleyn Girl on TV, which was actually really good! The music was really good and the Natalie Portman and Scarlet Johansson are brilliant actresses. Besides that there was nothing on TV so I stuck in one of my favorite movies, Meet Me In St. Louis!

I LOVE this movie!!!!! Judy Garland is Brilliant and the whole cast was casted perfectly. The music is super catchy and it is a great love story and family story! It just makes me all happy inside!

Well not much else to say, so I think I am going to go finish the movie........TOOTLES!!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 205: Pioneer Day

Happy Pioneer Day everybody!!!! Today was a great day as was last night! Last night Kat and I went to Bountiful and met up with my family where we watch the Bountiful City parade! It actually was really good. Long but good. Then after we just kinda hung out for a while and were just being......well, us hahaha!

As for today, I had a great is what I did:
-Went to Grandma's and helped cook and the eat breakfast with the fam
-Cleaned up breakfast
-Came home with mom and my cousin, Maddie and pampered my dolls and looked for my barbie box (and discovered, after tearing apart the basement that it was in the garage)
-Went to the mall with mom and Maddie and looked around, got a cookie and tried on some shoes
-Went back to grandma's and help get stuff ready for dinner and ice cream
-Ate and cleaned up dinner
-Ate homemade ice cream and watched fireworks

Over all it has been a great day! I love just having a fun time and chilling with my family! The only bad part to today was that earlier, when I was cookie scones, I went to turn the thing off and get the scone out of the oil at the same time. Well I apparently couldn't do both cuz I ended up dropping the scone and it ended up splashing hot oil on my wrist. Yeah it hurt like a beast, so now I have this oil burn on my arm. Luckily it isn't too bad at all.....I got super lucky. I only got one blister and after putting some aloe on it, it felt way better! But I can now say I have had an oil burn......I've never had one of those before!

Well I am exhausted so I am heading off to bed..........TOOTLES!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 204: Last Night!

So last night was way fun! I went to pit rehearsal which turned out to be really good and then after I headed over to Lauren's house for a sleepover with her and Kaitlyn. It was a blast!!!!! We had pizza at like midnight, then we watched My Fair Lady, and then we went out on her tramp and got in our sleeping bags and talked forever!!!!!! It was soooooo much fun!!!! We ended up stay up until 6am and then Lauren and I woke up at 9:30, shortly followed by Kaitlyn who only woke up cuz we beat her with pillows.......aren't we loving friends?!?! ;D After that we just had some breakfast and watched a few episodes of Psych!!!! We had a blast.....I love those two girls too death!

Well I think I am going to head, I've got to head out to Bountiful tonight for the parade out there. It is a Steiner Family tradition to go and watch it every year and it is always fun! Well I am out.......TOOTLES!!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 203: My Love of the Pit

So today I went to work, as usual, but tonight is really when the fun begins! Tonight I have pit rehearsal for Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooo excited!!!!

The city of Cottonwood Heights is putting it on for their city play and the conductor called mom and said he need players, so she just got a bunch of us from school to play! I absoulutely love playing in a musical pit, it is sooooo much fun! I know the cast has fun during rehearsals and everything and maybe I am slightly bias, but since I have been in the pit and on stage I would have to say the being in the pit is way better than being on stage. Here are my reasons:

1. There are only a few of you so you get to be a really tight, close group

2. Because you are a tight, close group...the whole group is in on funny jokes and secrets

3. You get to sit in a hole (sometimes) where no one can see you

4. No one is focused on the pit, so we get away with a lot of things.....we are just background music
5. We don't have to worry about costumes and stage makeup.....we just show up in black and play

6. I get to play the music I have been listening to and singing to since I was little

7. You feel really cool because you get to be in this huge production that tons of people come to watch....and they always love the music ;D

8. The music world is so small that I get to play with people I know and least this has been the case in every pit I have been in so far

9. We don't have to deal with stage divas and jealousy because someone didn't get the part they want

10. The music and the way it makes me feel to play it!!!!

Wow that is a lot more reasons then I thought I had, but they all just kept coming to me hahaha!!!! I really am excited though and I get to see some of my school friends again before I head off to college! I really can't wait and I will definitely post about it tomorrow!!!

Well then after rehearsal tonight I am heading to Lauren's house, so her, I and our friend Kaitlyn can have a sleepover........I am also equally excited for that!!!!! Man tonight is going to be great! Well I better go..........TOOTLES!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So today has been quite an excellent day!!!!!!!!! I started out the day with going to the temple with a couple young women and leaders at 5:30am......crazy I know, but I haven't been for so long, I figured I should just go and do it!!!!! After that I went to work and then I came home and had quartet practice. Me, mom and a couple of friends are playing in a quartet for a wedding here in a couple weeks. It felt soooo good to play, but here is the highlight/most dangerous moment of my day today.........I went to Joann's today! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this store, but every time I go in, I just here this loud voice in my head that yells, "DANGER, DANGER, DANGER!!!" The store is so dangerous for me because I could spend hours upon hours and dollars upon dollars all in that store! I actually went into get safety pins but here is what I came out with:

1. Quilting Safety Pins - I needed some so I could quilt my quilt (this is actually what I went to the store for)

2. Sexy Dress Pattern - I had a minute so decided to look at patterns for fun and butterick was having a sale and I saw this pattern and thought, hmmm I dont have a little sexy black dress....this would be the perfect pattern for that!
3. Wedding Dress Pattern - ok so I know this doesn't make much since, but I really like the pattern and I know I could never wear it, but then mom pointed out that I could make it and the sell it!!!!! GENIUS!!! I would have all the fun of making it and then I could get money for it......BRILLIANT!!!!
Yeah this was my Joann's trip. There was another pattern that I wanted, but they didnt have it so I could only get the two. Yeah i know it is crazy but it sounded like it would be fun to do. Well there is my day! Well I better head.........TOOTLES!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 201: Frank and Estel

Again......nothing much has gone on today. I've worked and went to a doctor appointment.....exciting, I know! Summer is not very exciting so I don't have much to talk about. However I would like to report on something I do miss that summer has caused to leave.......Frank and Estel!

Frank and Estel are the two ducks that lived in our pond this year. Estel wasn't there a ton, but Frank was always there. When ever I looked out the window he was either floating in the pond or all snuggled up under the shade of the tree!

The really funny thing was that Frank became like a pet.....a trained pet! When mom would clean the pond, Frank would just sit in the pond and talk to mom while she cleaned! The other thing that was hysterical was when Frank heard us outside or heard mom practicing or saw us BBQ-ing, he would come a quacking and beg for food. These ducks were so fun to have around.

With them in the back yard, it was also like having a dang duck soap opera in the back sometimes. One time Estel showed up with another man and then Frank also showed up with another was too funny to watch!!!! These ducks were so fun to have around and I hope they come around next year too. Frank left while I was at camp and I haven't seen him since, but I hope he is doing good!!!!!

But I just thought I'd report on that today since I didn't have anything else to say.........TOOTLES!!!!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 200: Movie!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally made it to day 200.....that is soooo cool and what better way to spend day 200 then FINALLY seeing Toy Story 3!!!!!

Me, mom and Jeff finally found time to go see it, so we went this afternoon and had a blast! It was such a great movie and such a good laugh!!!!! I forgot how good the Toy Story movies were!!!!!! It is funny that I am leaving for college in a month and that is what the movie is kinda about......excellent timing hahahaha!!!!! If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it big time!!!! Well that is it for today..........TOOTLES!!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 199: Nothing

I have nothing to really say today. Went to church, came home and now I am going to go read.......TOOTLES!!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 198: Price

So last night, me, Jeff and my dad and step family headed down to Price to celebrate my step great grandma's 90th birthday. It took a while for us to get down there because of traffic, but we had a good car ride down there. It wasn't like a few years ago when we were all squished inside a little green taurus with no AC in 100 degree weather and bumper to bumper traffic until we reached the canyon. That was highly entertaining, just like this year, but much more comfortable! By the time we got there, we checked into the hotel and then went and got some dinner at Ricardo's.....which was pretty darn good. We then went back at chilled at the hotel and then went swimming which was super fun. I haven't been swimming since orchestra tour! There was pretty much us and a couple other people in the pool so we had a great time. Later after that Mel, Kenna and I went and got treats around 11ish! Later we got back and decided it was a good time to go to bed. We then woke up this morning and got ready and went and had breakfast around 11:30ish and then headed to the party. It wasn't overly exciting but we made due with what we had! Then we went back to grandma's for a few and then came home!

It doesn't sound like much, but I had a good time! It was really the last time I get to hang with the family like that before I start college and have to become an adult and all that kind of stuff. It was a really good time!!!! Love you family!!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 197: Work and Price

So today was a super fun day at work! Yes I still had to clean but I am getting closer with the people at work and we just have fun with everything we do! Today we cleaned a few rooms and in one of the rooms we found a tennis ball so Kaitlyn, Hope and me teamed up against Cam and Cody and played one intense game of keep away. It was highly entertaining! On top of that we got finished early and since we were in the auditorium, Patti let us have the last half hour to screw around. We ended up playing hide and seek in the auditorium with all the lights turned out! Hope and I discovered one of the dressing rooms and played dress up while we were hiding! Seriously though, work was just a good time today.

Well as for the rest of the day, Jeff and I are just waiting for my dad to come and get us. We are heading down to price this weekend with my dad and step family. We are going down to celebrate my step great grandma's 90th birthday. In all honesty I think I have met her before but I don't know, but I get a night to chill with my siblings in a hotel room all to ourselves......soooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!! It is kinda my last who-ra with them before I have to leave so I am excited! Well I think I am going to go..........TOOTLES!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 196: Girls Night

So last night after I blogged I started texting one of my best friends, Kenzie! We have only seen each other a couple times after school got out which is a total bummer. Well yesterday she wasn't having the best of days so I grabbed some movies and fruit and headed over there so we could hang for a few! It was so great to spend some time together and talk. It is so awesome that even though we don't see and talk to each other as much as we use to, we are still super close! We also always see to be in the same spot so it makes talking that much better! So I got over there and we talked about everything for a little while and then we watched Friends season 3 disk 1 and ate some fruit and chilled! It was awesome and totally what we both needed! I love that girl and I am so glad we got a little to chill for a few yesterday!

Well today has been pretty good as well! Work just gets funner and funner each day. I mean it isn't the most exciting thing, but it is pretty good for work. The people I work with are great and we are not a super close bunch of people, but spending 6 hours a day together sure does make us at least comfortable with each other and we just have a good time!

Well that is about it for today so I think I am going to head..........TOOTLES!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 195: Hand Dipped Chewy Fudge

Today went pretty good. Work was good and then April came over and we worked on our special musical number that we will be playing in Sacrament meeting here in a few weeks. On top of that today me and mom went to the mall to get hair stuff from the salon. We also looked in Torrid and can I just say......I LOVE their shoes!!!!! Besides that we also stopped at Mrs. Fields Cookies and got a cookie for each of us. I got a hand dipped chewy fudge, which is my most favorite ever!!!!!! Fashion Place Mall is the only mall, that I know of, that carries the hand dipped chewy fudge. It is the most amazing cookie ever!!!! It is a chocolate cookie with chocolate chips and then half of it is dipped in white chocolate! oh my goodness it is heaven on earth!!!!!!!!!! Well I am going to go eat my cookie...........TOOTLES!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 194: Clean Teeth

Today was just another summer day. I went to work and the dentist! Can I just say that I love having my teeth feel super clean. The dentist is not my favorite place to go, however I love feeling like my teeth are super clean. I feel refreshed and wonderful....and my dentist told me today that my teeth are picture perfect........SWEET!!!!!! That totally made my day! Other than that I just catched up on watching a couple of shows online.....other than that my day has not been overly exciting. Well I think I am going to go.........TOOTLES!!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 193: Just Another Monday

It is just another Monday. Not much to say and not much went on today. I had work, then I came home and checked a couple of college things and that was about it. Looking at some college stuff really just made me that much more excited.........I WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!! Well I don't have much else to say so I think I am going to go.......TOOTLES!!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 192: A Night with the Friends and A Day with the Fam

So last night and today have been pretty fun! I would like to report that I finally asked Mat out to get a grape shake and it went awesome!!! Some things were just reassured during it all, but hey.....I got a free shake out of it......WOOT WOOT!!!

After that Kathryn and I hung out! It is kinda funny that we spend so much time together now. We hang out like every week end because she is gone all week and we wont be living 5 minutes away from each other for much longer, so we are soaking it all in! But we hung out and we walked around the usual, and ended up texting Reg and taking him ice cream to help him with his girl troubles. oh that boy........but it was so nice to talk to him for a few! I miss his stinkin' guts!!!!!! I didn't realize how much I missed him until after we left last night! What was really funny is that his face is all fuzzy. He came to the realization that since he is going to BYU, he cant have facial hair, so he is living with it while he can get the chance. I must say though, he looks much better clean shaven or a little scruffy! hahahaha oh Reginald! I hope I never lose touch with that boy. hahahahaha Kathryn is set on the fact, especially after last night, that we always have been, still are and would be perfect for each other and that I HAVE to marry him or her whole life would be ruined hahahahaha! She is a crack up, but I like the way she thinks! What would I do without my "devoted sister!"

Well after we left Reg to get his beauty sleep, Kat and I went and picked up Alex and then we drove around for a little while and then decided, around 1 AM, that we were hungry. So we went to Smiths and bought food and came back to my house and cooked it. I went to bed a little after two! I had a good time last night! I love my friends!!!

As for today, I went to church where I had an excellent Young Women's lesson and then after that we headed to my grandma's to celebrate my cousin Hayden's 2nd birthday! My Aunt Kelly and her fam live down and St. George but they are up for the weekend. Hayden's older sister Reilly is the one that blogged the other day! I love those guys so much! They are soooooo much fun to hang around. Today we just had dinner, opened presents, ate cake, chilled for a while, went out side and played croquet and horseshoes! We had a really good time just hanging out. My cute cousins are so much fun! Hayden, Jace, and Reilly are just fun kids who don't stop. We had an excellent night!

I am sorry this entry is a little long, I don't know why i felt the need to blab on tonight, but I did! Well I think I am going to head to bed cuz I have work in the morning and I am one tired girl.........TOOTLES!!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 191: Yard Sale

So today I had my first yard sale. It wasnt for me, and it wasnt my great grandma's stuff, but it was actually at my Grandma Steiner's. We held a yard sale with the neighbors to help raise money for my cousin mission. I woke up at 4:45 and started setting up and 6 and then just chilled and watched over the refreshment table with my cousin and my little sister! It was all highly entertaining! Later after we got home I went with my step mom and sister to get her haircut then we went to a couple other places. Yeah me and Kenna were way wired! See this is what happens when we wake up super early and then sit all day long.......we become crazy!!!!! I love my little sister. She is soooooo much fun to hang out with. I am surprised she still puts up with me half the time, but I love her stinkin guts!!!!!! It was all super fun!!!! Well I better go, I am going to go get a grape shake ;D............TOOTLES!!!!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 190: Fun Day

Today has been a great day! I had to work today which I was not looking forward to, but work went really well today. We started work late, got super long breaks, found a bat in the gym and played volleyball! Yeah it was a great day at work......we all had some good laughs today!

On top of today I also got the chance to come out to my grandma's and see my cousins who are here from St. George!!!!!!! I never get to see them so I am sooooooooo glad that I got to hang with them for a little while today. My cousin Reilly wants to blog some, so here is her blog for the day!

Reilly's Blog: Today we chased a cupcake man it was a minies cupcake man and we followed it because we did not no where mimnies was but we ended up at the gas station so instead we ended up getting doughnuts!!

Okay I am back!!!!!!!!! We were going to upload a picture of mini cupcakes but the computer wouldnt let us, so instead I am going to have you just imagine little tiny cupcakes!!!!! Well I am going to go hang for a little longer before I have to head out to my other grandma's for the weekend. She is having a yard sale tomorrow and I am going out to help! Well I am out........TOOTLES!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 189: PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today has been pretty darn good! I had to go to work today which wasn't too bad. Ya know...I hate the thought of work, but once I am at work, it isn't bad at all. I work with some pretty good people and it isn't to bad. On top of that, when I got home from work I checked the mail and guess what was in there?!?!?!!?!?!?! MY AP MUSIC THEORY SCORE!!!!!!! I was terrified to open it. I actually just stared at it for a minute just to prep myself. Well.....drum roll please......I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! I felt pretty good about the test, but ya never know, but I passed!!!!!!!!! That really just made me day! I actually danced around the kitchen. I was really glad no one was home cuz no one needed to see that hahahaha!

Well after that I went and got my hair cut which felt great!!!! I got it cut a little differently. I needed something a little new since school is starting soon. It isn't drastically different, but a little. I just took off the A line and got more defined layers and more through the top, which means that I hopefully will have a nicer curl through the top, but we will see after I start to play with it some.

That has been about my day. Nothing much going on other than that. I made Hamburger Pie for dinner which tasted pretty good, but besides that nothing much! Well I am going to go........TOOTLES!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 188: SOAR

What. A. Day! I knew SOAR was going to be overwhelming, but I didnt realize how much it would be. SOAR is the student orientation and registration day for all incoming freshmen. Luckily they split up the days, so there were only a couple hundred of us there today. It was really fun, but extremely overwhelming.

My friend Lauren and I actually went up to Logan last night and stayed over night with her sister who is going to school up there. We went and got dinner last night, then we went and cruised Main street and went and looked at the Temple and just kinda chilled! Then this morning we woke up and headed to SOAR!

When we got to SOAR, we went to the Taggart Student Center (TSC) and signed in and got all out stuff that we needed. That consisted of a planner (I LOVE that they gave us planners), a folder with some papers, our name tags, a our student catalog which is about 800 pages thick full of school and class info.

We then met in the Ballroom for our intro and then we broke off into small group and were each assigned an "A - Team" member. They were kind of like our go to guy for the day and everything. My A - Team members name was Adam and he was really awesome! He answered a lot of questions and was incredibly nice and patient with our small group! But once we broke off with our groups we just went and Adam gave us the low down. Deadlines, dates, parking, classes and etc. We got it all!

After that we went to lunch and then got a chance to walk around to some booths and check out some of the stuff the school has. Some of the booths were like booths for the fraternities and sororities, institute, Alumni Club, Connections, Band and so many others!

After that we went back into the Ballroom where we went over academic procedures and learned how to register for classes and what not. After that we were then split into our major and went with our academic advisers and started signing up for classes. Surprisingly....that took a lot out of me. I had to be a real live grown up and figure out all this stuff on my own. I still don't know if I am happy with my schedule, but I still have a month to change it, so I am sure it is not final. However is is my schedule for next year, as of this moment:

-Cello Lessons
-USU Symphony (if I make it in)
-USU Connections (this is just the week before school and it is a class that shows you the ins and outs of school.....its an easy 2 credits)
-Integrated Life Science
-World archeology
-Intro to Astronomy
-U.S. Institution

Without the symphony, I am sitting at 15 credits......I know it is a lot, but I still have some reworking I've got to do, but I'm pretty sure I'll be sitting at about 15 credits for this semester, but these are all General Ed. classes. I have a few more Gen. Ed. classes which I will soon get out of the way. Sadly my major is undeclared, which makes me mad at myself cuz I am not that kind of person. I am always an over planner and not having that figured out is driving me nuts and does not make me feel 100% great, but I will figure it out soon........I hope.
Well there is my first college experience. I am now officially a student. I have my ID card and everything. After that, after fixing the car, Lauren and I headed home and luckily I made it back in time to catch the end of Young Womens! Man I love young womens. I taught the girls tonight how to make my Aunt Kelly's Cookie Dessert Salad.......ITS SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! And the girls really liked it too! I then got the chance to talk to a few of my leaders for a few before I left! It was so nice to talk to them for a little while! I love those ladies so much.....they are sooooo awesome and they always know just what to say.....they also gave me some great pranking ideas for college.....SOOOO EXCITED!!!!! I am going to miss them when I leave here in a month or so! They are just all so amazing.....Thanks Ladies I had a great time talking to you for a few tonight!

Well I am soooooooo sorry this entry is soooooo long today, but I figured I should write it all down seeing as how it was my first official day as a college student! Well I am heading off to bed! I am exhausted and I have work tomorrow..........TOOTLES!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 187: Hurrying

Hi! Not much time today cuz my ride to Logan is on her way over! Me and my friend Lauren are heading up to USU tonight where we will be spending the night with her sister so we can attend SOAR or student orientation, tomorrow!!!! Super excited!!!! I know it is going to be sooooo overwhelming but that means school is that much closer!!!! Gotta go! I'll report more tomorrow or on Thursday..........TOOTLES!!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 186: Today

Today has been a pretty good day! I have:

-Made Scones
-Gone to Grandma's and had breakfast.....where we had scones ;D
-Dropped Jeff off to do his first road drive
-Went to Barnes and Noble and wished I had lots of money to buy all the books I want read
-Went to Old Navy where and wished I had more money so I could buy lots of clothes
(I am in a shopping mood....can you tell?!?!?!)
-Picked up Jeff
-Went and bought fireworks
-Went to Harmons to get hamburgers and stuff for homemade ice cream
-Came back to Grandma's
-Read the Sunday Funnies

An exciting day right?!?! Not to bad actually. It has a pretty good day and now I am going to go help make stuff for homemade ice cream..............So excited!!!!!! TOOTLES!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 185: 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everybody!!!!!!!!! Can I just say what a great holiday today is! I LOVE the 4th of July!!!!! It is such a great holiday and here are the reasons why I love the 4th of July!

1. Scones - Ever sense I was little every year we get together at my grandmas and celebrate the holiday all day long! Well over time between people moving and other in-laws that doesnt always happen, but regardless of what goes on, we always have breakfast at grandma's and at grandma's we always have homemade scones!!!!! Oh they are soooooo good!!!!! We make them from scratch from my great grandpa's recipe!!!! We deep fry them and have just about everything to put on them......SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!

2. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers - We also always barbecue at grandma and grandpa's! Grandpa and Jeff tag team to make the hot dogs and burgers while mom and I usually help make potato salad and other stuff inside!!!! Oh it always tastes soooo good!!!!!
3. Homemade Ice Cream - This part is great!!!! We never make homemade ice cream except on the 4th and 24th of July!!!!! I always look forward to checking to make sure the ice cream isn't "poisonous" and then having it after dinner! This is usually where I make myself sick every year because I usually have about 2-3 bowls!!!! hahahahahaha...can you tell my family loves food!
4. Family - I love this part of the holiday! It stinks that my aunt lives down in St. George and my uncle is usually at his in-laws for the 4th, so we don't have us all together like we use to, which I miss a ton! I miss getting to go swimming with them and having a good time altogether, but at least I get the chance to spend with mom, jeff and my grandparents.....we always have a lot of fun!
5. Friends - Friends are also a fun part of this holiday. I usually don't hang out with my friends on the actual holiday, but I do hang out with them on the holiday weekend! We always have a good time and this year I got to hang out with a couple of friends and watch fireworks and get frozen was awesome!!!!
6. TV Movies and Marathons - Has anyone ever noticed that there are always good movie marathons or movies on TV during this holiday! I love a good movie on TV. This year I have watched Meet Me In St. Louis and Star Wars! There has been a lot more on TV too I just haven't watched them!
7. Fireworks - I LOVE fireworks!!! I use to hate fireworks as a kid because they were so loud, but now I love fireworks and how lucky are we that we get them twice this month......that is so awesome!
8. Our Country - I love this holiday because it reminds me of the great country that we live in. I am not an OVERLY patriotic person, but I do love my country and respect the men who have died and have and are fighting for our freedom! We live in a pretty awesome place and I am s o thankful that I live here and that I have the freedoms that I do!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 184: Flowers

Today I ended up at my grandma's to mow the lawn and buy and plant flowers. It was a pretty good day. A long one but pretty good! I got to spend time with my grandma and we got another thing on our to do list done!!!! For her flower pots we got light pink geraniums and these little bluish purplish and white flowers to go around the geraniums! They are really pretty!!!!!I have always sworn I would never have flowers when I grow up, but now that I am thinking about it, I think I just wont have actual flowers that you have to plant in the ground and weed. I think I could handle flowers in pots that I had to water......I would be okay with that! Here are some of my favorite flowers!

1. Hydrangeas - I LOVE these flowers!!!! I think they are sooooo pretty! They are a good flower for anything! Weddings, a vase on the table, a bush in the yard! Anything!!!!! I think they are sooooo pretty and the come in so many different colors as well!
2. Calla Lilies - Also another super pretty flower! This is also a top wedding flower! I just think they are so pretty!
3. Peony - I have not always liked this flower due to the fact of the trouble this flower caused us when we use to do yard work at my Granny's, however I really do think peonies are way pretty!
4. Tulips - I love tulips!!!! It stinks that they are only a spring flower!!! I think they are sooo pretty and they come in way pretty colors too!
5. Orchids - I like orchids a lot too! They are kind of a strange flower when you really look at them, but I think they are really pretty!

I like a lot more flowers and I know that these don't really all work as a potted flower but as long as my flower pots are pretty and don't contain marigolds, petunias or roses, I will be one happy camper!!!!! Well I am going to go............TOOTLES!!!!!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 183: Catch Up

So since I have been blogging all about camp this week, I figured I would take today to catch up on all the things that have been going on this week!

Monday: Monday was not overly exciting. I have been sick since I got back from camp and I was not feeling good at all on Monday so I had a chill day! I spent all day watching Friends! I watched the entire 6th season and loved every minute of it! Friends is seriously the greatest show ever and sadly, I can quote most of the episodes. It is the one show I can watch for hours on end and never get sick of!
Tuesday: Tuesday was a great day. Not much went on that morning, but I did get the chance to go to the doctor and learn that I was sicker than I thought. Fun Fun, but at least I got medicine to make me better. Well later that day I got to go to an early showing of Eclipse!!!! My Friend had an extra ticket and she invited me to come with her!!!! It was AWESOME!!!! Kenzie and I were freaking out the whole time. It was a pretty good movie! I was pretty impressed, and let's not mention that seeing a whole bunch of werewolves abs on a big screen never hurt anyone either ;D Then after that I headed to rehearsal with Salt Lake Symphony for the concert we have tonight!
Wednesday: Wednesday was pretty good. Mom, Jeff, my cousin Jordan and I all went to my Great Granny's to work on the backyard for a little while. We have accomplished a lot on the inside, but it was our turn to work on the outside for a little while. That was not super fun, but at least we got some of the backyard taken care of. Luckily after I got home for Granny's I had the chance to go with the young women to do baptisms for the dead in the Salt Lake Temple. It was really cool! It was my 2nd time going to do baptisms there and I loved it! I love doing baptisms and I was so glad that I got the chance to go do them in Salt Lake! It was awesome!!!
On top of the fun days events, that night I also finished my book series. I have been reading the Luxe Series forever, but then I had to wait forever for the 4th, and last, book to come out. Then after it came out I got tied up in school stuff and I never had a chance to read it. However once school got out I started reading it and loved it. The 4th book was just as intense as the other ones and I had like 100 pages left in order to finish, but once I started the other night I couldn't stop and I finally finished it. It ended really well, not the way I was expecting, which made me a little sad, but it still ended well!
Thursday: As for Thursday nothing really went on. I got the chance to go with my friend April and her Boyfriend to go to Day Murray Music to go pick out a piece for her to sing in church here in a little while! We picked Consider the Lilies and I think it's going to turn out really long as we both practice that is hahaha!
Well there is my week! Super exciting.....I know! Tonight I have a concert at Granite High School. Every year they do a big 4th of July celebration and they have a big carnival, food, performances and fireworks at the end. I'm pretty excited to play and see fireworks....I hope it goes well! I'll report on how it goes tomorrow! Well I am out.......TOOTLES!!!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 182: Camp Pictures

Here are some camp pictures! I finally got my computer to upload all my pics!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!! So here ya can now get a small glimpse into what goes on up in that mountain of ours!!!

Our Group
hahahaha I love this picture!
Chelsea getting ready for our initiation!
Getting ready for story time
Lisa and her sweet glow stick hat
April.....oh I love you girlie
Jamie!!!!! I am so glad you got to come up!!!!
Me and Chass with our AWESOME hair
Me and the girls with our crazy outfits!
Lovin' the spandex chel!
I am apparently a super hero when I wear this outfit!
Camille and her bag of pop corn that was near to impossible to open
Aubrey and me!
Kaedyn and me
Brei and me
Me and two of my tent buddies, Chelsea and April
Group POSE!!!!
Billie, Chassidy and Jordan......I love how they are all wearing red!
The Girls trying to kill Chelsea with roasting sticks.......priceless!
Aspen with her full zippy hoodie!!!!

Ah Man this year was awesome!!!!! As you can see, we had a blast up at camp this year! Thank you girls and leaders for making this such an amazing year! I will remember it for the longest time!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!